Wednesday, 14 August 2013

With so much recent activity regarding the pocket novels and the social networking, I fear the business of actually writing may have lapsed somewhat. I always feel every now and then it's a good idea to get back to basics. By that I mean plot construction. It is true of any form of writing, not just pocket novels but short stories, long short stories (over 3000 words) and longer novels. Even if you only have the barest glimmer of an idea get it down on paper, then play around with it. It's amazing what your sub conscious can come up with. Spend an hour or so doing nothing else then sit back and read what you have written. You will be pleasantly surprised. it's what I was taught to do in the early days and it always works for me.


  1. Getting back to basics is a good idea, Margaret. It also goes to show how something positive can always be found in any situation.

  2. It's always good advice Margaret to get stuff down on paper. I can't count the many different times I've laid in bed at night and thought up great plots only to fall asleep and find in the morning they've disappeared as surely as melting snow.

  3. Wise words, Margaret. I keep notebooks and pens in every room. If I didn't, so many workable ideas would have slipped away.
